Analyzing and Presenting Data with LabVIEW


LabVIEW is an abbreviation for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench and allows scientists and engineers to develop and implement an interactive program. LabVIEW has been specially developed to take measurements, analyze data, and present the results to the user. You determine what the device looks like, rather than the manufacturer of the device. LabVIEW has a very large library of functions and subprograms (subVIs) that can help you during your programming and use without occupying memory. Hidden programming problems that you may encounter in traditional programming languages are less common in LabVIEW. LabVIEW also includes different applications such as serial device control, data analysis, data presentation, data storage and communication over the internet. Analysis library; It includes versatile and useful functions such as signal generation, signal processing filters, Windows statistics and regressions, linear algebra and array arithmetic. Due to the graphical nature of LabVIEW, it is an innate data presentation package. You can view the data in any form you want. Chart, graph and user-defined graph are among the output options that can be used. As a scientist or an engineer, you frequently measure physical changes such as temperature, pressure, time, mass, electric current, light intensity, radioactivity etc. You generally need to analyze and present the data. When you have large amounts of data, you need to use software to analyze and present the data. LabVIEW makes these actions easy for you. Because LabVIEW includes hundreds of built-in and add-on functions you need that make it easy to create a user-friendly interface. In this chapter, we focus on data analysis and presentation

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