Cramer’s Rules for the System of Two-Sided Matrix Equations and of Its Special Cases


Within the framework of the theory of row-column determinants previously introduced by the author, we get determinantal representations (analogs of Cramer’s rule) of a partial solution to the system of two-sided quaternion matrix equations A1XB1=C1, A2XB2=C2. We also give Cramer’s rules for its special cases when the first equation be one-sided. Namely, we consider the two systems with the first equation A1X=C1 and XB1=C1, respectively, and with an unchanging second equation. Cramer’s rules for special cases when two equations are one-sided, namely the system of the equations A1X=C1, XB2=C2, and the system of the equations A1X=C1, A2X=C2 are studied as well. Since the Moore-Penrose inverse is a necessary tool to solve matrix equations, we use its determinantal representations previously obtained by the author in terms of row-column determinants as well

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