
Background: About 50% of heavy elements are produced by the slow neutron capture process (s process) in stars. The element gallium is mostly produced during the weak s process in massive stars. Purpose: Our activation at kB_{B}T≈25 keV is the first experiment in a series of activation and time-of-flight measurements on 69^{69}Ga and 71^{71}Ga relevant for astrophysics. Methods: We activated 69^{69}Ga and 71^{71}Ga with a neutron distribution that corresponds to a quasistellar distribution with kB_{B}T=25 keV at the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Geel, Belgium. Protons were provided by an electrostatic Van de Graaff accelerator to produce neutrons via the reaction 7^{7}Li(p,n). The produced activity was measured via the γ emission by the decaying product nuclei by high-purity germanium detectors. Results: We provide spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) and ratios of the cross sections σGa_{Ga}Au_{Au} for the neutron spectrum of the activation. We obtain values of σ69Ga,SACS_{69Ga,SACS}=(186±12) mb and σ71GA,SACS_{71GA,SACS} = (112±7) mb, and cross section ratios of σ69Ga_{69Ga}Au_{Au}=0.29±0.02 and σ71Ga_{71Ga}Au_{Au} = 0.17±0.01. Conclusions: Our data disagree with the available evaluated data provided by KADoNiS v0.3, our cross-section ratio is about 20% higher for 69^{69}Ga and about 20% lower for 71^{71}Ga

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