AYNEC-DataGen: a tool for generating evaluation datasets for Knowledge Graphs completion


In the context of knowledge graphs, the task of completion of relations consists in adding missing triples to a knowledge graph, usually by classifying potential candidates as true of false. Creating an evalu- ation dataset for these techniques is not trivial, since there is a large amount of variables to consider which, if not taken into account, may cause misleading results. So far, there is not a well de ned work ow that identi es the variation points when creating a dataset, and what are the possible strategies that can be followed in each step. Furthermore, there are no tools that help create such datasets in an easy way. To address this need, we have created AYNEC-DataGen, a customisable tool for the generation of datasets with multiple variation points related to the pre- processing of the original knowledge graph, the splitting of triples into training and testing sets, and the generation of negative examples. The output of our tool includes the evaluation dataset, an optional export in an open format for its visualisation, and additional files with metadata. Our tool is freely available online.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75394-

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