Role of Phytoestrogen Ferutinin in Preventing/Recovering Bone Loss: Results from Experimental Ovariectomized Rat Models


In the Chapter 35 of the book are reported observations of recent pubblications on the effect of ferutinin in preventing/recovering severe osteoporosis secondary to ovariectomy in rats. On the basis of the results so far obtained, the authors suggest to enumerate ferutinin among the osteoprotective substances. This fact acquires a more relevant importance in the light of recent tenable evidences reported from various authors concerning the absence of negative side effects by some phytoestrogens (particularly genistein, 8-prenylnaringenin, reveratrol and red clover extract) on the tropism of various organs commonly targeted by estrogens. In conclusion, the results reported not only provide evidence that ferutinin can significantly prevent/recover ovariectomy-induced bone loss in rats, but also that it could protect against the onset of uterus cancer. Although the putative undesired estrogenic-like side effects on uterus of such phytoestrogen have not yet been fully investigated, ferutinin could be an interesting safer alternative new candidate for HRT in treatment of post-menopausal symptoms, since it seems to protect from bone loss induced by ovariectomy (Palumbo et al., 2009; Ferretti et al., 2010) and in part to mime the ovarian endocrine function during menopause

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