Promoting Environmental Sustainability Among Oum Adult Learners


In line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Quality Education, Open University Malaysia strives to promote environmental education and create environmental awareness through its lifelong learning framework. The university has embedded environmental component in one of topic with one of its university courses that is offered in the first semester. Topic 10 within the OUMH1603 course on Learning Skills for 21st Century is titled Environment and Us. This study aims to measure the level of environmental literacy and examine the correlation between learner’s disposition and learning experience among learners who have taken the course. The 2011 Framework for Assessing Environmental Literacy by the North American Association for Environmental Education was adopted for this purpose. Data were collected through online survey in two phases. The level of knowledge of the OUM students were proven to be high, ranging from an average means score of 3.86 to 4.33. The second part of the analysis shows that there is also a significant strong correlation between students’ learning experience of the course (3.99 to 4.44) and their dispositions as well as their willingness to volunteer in environmental projects. The findings suggest that embedding environmental education within a widely distributed formal education framework can contribute positively to the effort to create environmentally literate adults

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