Writing data citation guidelines for linguistics: Lessons learned


Poster presented at the RDA 14th Plenary conference, arranged by Research Data Alliance, Helsingfors, 23.10.19 - 25.10.19. https://www.rd-alliance.org/plenaries/rdas-14th-plenary-helsinki-finland. One of the main objectives of the Linguistics Data Interest Group is to develop and adopt common principles and guidelines for data citation and attribution. As a first step, the Austin Principles of Data Citation in Linguistics were published in 2018. Since then, the group has been working on developing data citation guidelines, whose target audiences are academic publishers, resource providers, and researchers who use linguistic data. --- The citation guidelines have been discussed as a work in progress on the 11th and 13th RDA plenaries, and are now more or less ready to be disseminated to the intended audiences for some final feedback. The goal is to finalise and publish the guidelines in late 2019. --- In this poster, we describe the process of developing the linguistic data citation guidelines, a process we believe is transferable to other disciplines. We share our approach to identifying discipline-specific needs while maintaining a connection to data management frameworks and principles that cross fields. We focus on our workflow and organisation, how the relevant communities have been involved in the process, what kind of challenges we have experienced, and how these have been addressed

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