
Adaptive density estimation for general ARCH models


We consider a model Y_t=σ_tη_tY\_t=\sigma\_t\eta\_t in which (σ_t)(\sigma\_t) is not independent of the noise process (η_t)(\eta\_t), but σ_t\sigma\_t is independent of η_t\eta\_t for each tt. We assume that (σ_t)(\sigma\_t) is stationary and we propose an adaptive estimator of the density of ln(σ2_t)\ln(\sigma^2\_t) based on the observations Y_tY\_t. Under various dependence structures, the rates of this nonparametric estimator coincide with the minimax rates obtained in the i.i.d. case when (σ_t)(\sigma\_t) and (η_t)(\eta\_t) are independent, in all cases where these minimax rates are known. The results apply to various linear and non linear ARCH processes

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