IFOG and IORG Gyros: A Study of Comparative Performance


In this revision work, firstly classical structure and main performance parameters of interferometric fiber-optic gyroscope (IFOG) and integrated optics passive resonator gyroscope (IORG) are reviewed. Then, the main advanced models and performance parameters of these two types of rotation-rate inertial sensors are described, and finally the design trends of both types are analyzed. Taking as reference the performance parameters analyzed above, a comparative analysis between manufactured IFOG and IORG units of close geometrical dimensions is realized. This analysis leads ranking these devices into six classical levels of inertial performance: strategic grade, navigation grade, high-end tactical grade, tactical grade, industrial low-end tactical grade, and consumer grade. This classification allows to deduce the main application areas of both kinds of devices. This way, the impact of these sensors in applications such as aeronautics, aerospace navigation, mechanical micro-fabrication, tactical weapons, or, more recently, robotics can be disclosed

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