
Lattice point counts for the Shi arrangement and other affinographic hyperplane arrangements


Hyperplanes of the form x_j = x_i + c are called affinographic. For an affinographic hyperplane arrangement in R^n, such as the Shi arrangement, we study the function f(M) that counts integral points in [1,M]^n that do not lie in any hyperplane of the arrangement. We show that f(M) is a piecewise polynomial function of positive integers M, composed of terms that appear gradually as M increases. Our approach is to convert the problem to one of counting integral proper colorations of a rooted integral gain graph. An application is to interval coloring in which the interval of available colors for vertex v_i has the form [(h_i)+1,M]. A related problem takes colors modulo M; the number of proper modular colorations is a different piecewise polynomial that for large M becomes the characteristic polynomial of the arrangement (by which means Athanasiadis previously obtained that polynomial). We also study this function for all positive moduli.Comment: 13 p

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