
Computing holes in semi-groups and its applications to transportation problems


An integer feasibility problem is a fundamental problem in many areas, such as operations research, number theory, and statistics. To study a family of systems with no nonnegative integer solution, we focus on a commutative semigroup generated by a finite set of vectors in Zd\Z^d and its saturation. In this paper we present an algorithm to compute an explicit description for the set of holes which is the difference of a semi-group QQ generated by the vectors and its saturation. We apply our procedure to compute an infinite family of holes for the semi-group of the 3×4×63\times 4\times 6 transportation problem. Furthermore, we give an upper bound for the entries of the holes when the set of holes is finite. Finally, we present an algorithm to find all QQ-minimal saturation points of QQ.Comment: Presentation has been improved according to comments by referees. This manuscript has been accepted to "Contributions to Discrete Mathematics

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