The Ursinus Weekly, November 16, 1936


Bullet rally nets draw with bears • Dr. Guy S. Claire to talk at forum • I.N.A. judges commend Weekly for editorial work • Senior play cast chosen; production date is Dec. 5 • Football players and coaches entertained at open house • College holds dad\u27s day with 100 fathers present • Double-feature French movie presented in science building • Wm. Shakespeare\u27s Twelfth night presented by Hedgerow Players before large audience • Mrs. N. E. McClure honored at two affairs this week • Dr. Wilhelm Pauck discusses European situation at Y meeting • T.K.A. plans faculty debate; Boswell, Helffrich elected • Y.M. and Y.W. to sponsor world peace discussion • Physical education group holds initial get-together • Frosh finish good season with win over Farm School • Three way tie for first in dorm football league • Von Kleeck stars in two wins; Drexel bows 3-0, Moravian 11-0

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