Problem z „ponowoczesnością”: pusty spór formalny czy zmiana charakteru egzystencji ludzkiej? [The problem with „postmodernity”: empty formal dispute or change in human existence?]


The present article poses an attempt of conceptualization the cognitive and normative basis of postmodernity. The primary aim is the demonstration that the post- modernization of the western culture recasts the fundamental parameters of social life and therefore also changes the ways of reflecting the human existence. In order to demonstrate this dependency I intend to portray modernity as a period, which tried to preserve the stabile structure of being of the Middle Ages by reproducing a centralized cultural order. Postmodern thinking tries to reach beyond metaphysically founded forms of social life and therefore attempts to decentralize the stabile structures of human existence. This is a very risky but also a very inspiring stride for the philosophical discourse, which one should – despite the awkward rhetoric of several postmodernists – appreciate as one of the most important challenges of contemporary philosophy

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