
The problem of professional formation of a highly skilled engineer-teacher in the context of the use of modern computer training technologies is researched in this paper. Planning of teaching, the implementation of psychodiagnostics with the help of computer technologies is actualized in the context of modern requirements, which promotes professional pedagogical activity, corresponds to the urgent needs of the system of training of engineering and pedagogical personnel, vocational education and is a key problem of the psychology of professionalism of the individual. The goal of the research is to substantiate the theoretical basis of the problem of using distance learning in the process of professional formation of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties, description of the main possibilities of using computer technology components in the professional training of students of the given specialty. The methodo­logy is based on the analysis of the concept of professional formation related to formation of the following components: motivational, cognitive, gnostic, moral-volitional, organizational, ability to self-management and communicative. Due to the development of these components, an effective professional formation of the personality of a future specialist in engineering and pedagogical specialization is seen. Under the professional development of a teacher-engineer, we understand the development of the moral-volitional qualities of the personality of the engineer-teacher in the process of professional training, activating the productive performance of activity and creativity in the learning process. The results are in the process of professional development of a teacher-engineer, the use of computer technology in the learning process is seen through the development and implementation of distance learning: the creation of distance learning courses by students, followed by placement on the University's educational portal; creation of test tasks and control over their implementation and development of programs for psychodiagnostics of students. Originality deals with diagnostic tools for studying the process of professional formation of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties, are in line with the professional requirements for the personality of the future specialist and is based on the «Self-development» test. With the help of the «Professional formation» test as the one that verifies the level of readiness for professional self-development, the diagnosis of the professional formation of students of engineering and pedagogical specialties were carried out. The practical value of the developed program is in the fact that its use in the educational process allows to solve the problem of training future engineers-teachers at different stages of training, quality management of training future specialists. Implementation of the elements of distance learning positively affects the process of professional formation of engineers-teachers, as indicated by the activation of educational and cognitive activity of students in the process of performing the relevant practical tasks.Исследуется проблема профессионального становления высококвалифицированного инженера-педагога в контексте использования современных компьютерных технологий обучения. Проектирование обучения, осуществления психодиагностики с помощью компьютерных технологий актуализируется в контексте современных требований, которые выдвигает профессиональная педагогическая деятельность, соответствует насущным потребностям системы подготовки инженерно-педагогических кадров, профессионального образования и является ключевой проблемой психологии профессионализма личности.Досліджується проблема професійного становлення висококваліфікованого інженера-педагога у контексті використання сучасних комп’ютерних технологій навчання. Проектування навчання, здійснення психодіагностик за допомогою комп’ютерних технологій актуалізується у контексті сучасних вимог, що висуває професійна педагогічна діяльність, відповідає нагальним потребам системи підготовки інженерно-педагогічних кадрів, професійної освіти та є ключовою проблемою психології професіоналізму особистості

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