Аналіз роботи однокристальних прийомопередавачів ISM-діапазону для систем ІоТ


The article discusses the features of transceivers for IoT systems. IoT systems are used in areas such as medicine, security, industrial automation, intelligent networks, remote control facilities, engineering and security systems of buildings. These applications require highly integrated transmission and reception components that can provide low power consumption for longer life, high probability data transfer, ability to operate in the unlicensed frequency range, simplicity and reliability of operation, scalability without significant additional costs and compliance with international standards. Analog Devices ADIsimSRD Design Studio is a very powerful tool allowing real-time simulation and optimization of many of the parameters in a typical wireless system using the ADF7xxx family of transceivers and transmitters. By modeling in the ADIsimSRD Design Studio software, the operation of the single-chip transceiver ADF7023 was analyzed. The ADF7023 is a very low power, high performance, highly integrated transceiver designed for operation in the 862 MHz to 928 MHz and 431 MHz to 464 MHz frequency bands, which cover the worldwide license-free ISM bands at 433 MHz, 868 MHz, and 915 MHz. It is suitable for circuit applications that operate under the European ETSI EN300-220, the North American FCC, the Chinese short-range wireless regulatory standards, or other similar regional standards. Data rates from 1 kbps to 300 kbps are supported. The range of subsystems to be considered in the development process include RF filtering/matching, modulation type and demodulation process, packet data formatting, and average power consumption. Until now, system designers relied on a combination of spreadsheet-based tools and iterative lab work to help with the optimization of these parameters. Based on the analysis, recommendations were made on the choice of transmitter parameters for the implementation of IoT systems using Analog Devices chips. Due to low energy consumption, high integration, ability to operate in the unlicensed ISM frequency range, high probability and speed data transfer capabilities, module programming capabilities, compliance with international standards, Analog Devices transceivers can be used in wireless IoT communications systems. To ensure a good communication range and a high probability of information transfer, it is advisable to use the most noise-resistant GFSK modulation method, which provides the most energy-efficient narrow signal spectrum.В статье рассмотрены особенности приемопередатчиков для систем IoT. Путем моделирования в программной среде ADIsimSRD Design Studio проведен анализ работы однокристального приемопередатчика ADF7023. На основе проведенного анализа характеристик приемопередатчика ADF7023 для обеспечения хорошей дальности связи и высокой вероятности передачи информации целесообразно использовать наиболее помехоустойчивый метод модуляции GFSK, что обеспечивает наиболее энергоэффективный узкий спектр сигнала.В статті розглянуто особливості прийомопередавачів для систем ІоТ. Шляхом моделювання в програмному середовищі ADIsimSRD Design Studio проведений аналіз роботи однокристального прийомопередавача ADF7023. На основі проведеного аналізу характеристик прийомопередавача ADF7023 для забезпечення хорошої дальності зв’язку та високої вірогідності передавання інформації доцільно використовувати найбільш завадостійкий метод модуляції GFSK, що забезпечує найбільш енергоефективний вузький спектр сигналу

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