
Diagnostics of ischemic changes of myocardium during the period of six hours is of great difficulty that is connected with necrobiosis natural development of the live systems. But still, the question concerning elaboration of a simple and inexpensive method when used, that can be drawn in practical activity is left open nowadays.That is why the purpose of our research was the elaboration of theoretical substantiation of the method of statistical matrix analysis to reveal changes of the myocardial tissue of a man under conditions of ACI, determine diagnostic efficacy of the chosen method.Sections of the myocardium of the persons who died because of acute coronary insufficiency (160 sections) and chronic ischemia heart disease (154 sections) were the object of our research. Histochemical investigations of sections of the first group and histological study of the second group were carried out by us during the first stage. Further, the sections were studied using optical scheme in traditional arrangement of laser polarimetry with the following analysis by means of MatLab6 program.A comparative analysis of the golden standard of diagnostics of acute coronary insufficiency – histochemical research with laser polarimetry method has shown a diagnostic exactness of the method suggested by us, that gives the possibility of a quick and reliable diagnostics of acute coronary insufficiency and differentiation of the cause of death coming.В статье приведены теоретическое обоснование использования метода статистического матричного анализа лазерных поляриметрических изображений и проиллюстрировано практические результаты его применения. На основе экспериментальных данных доказана перспективность применения метода статистического анализа лазерных поляриметрических изображений для установления острой ишемии.У статті наведено теоретичне обґрунтування використання методу статистичного матричного аналізу лазерних поляриметричних зображень та проілюстровано практичні результати його застосування. На основі експериментальних даних доведено перспективність застосування методу статистичного аналізу лазерних поляриметричних зображень для встановлення гострої ішемії

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