
Review of literature is devoted to topical issues of multiple organ damage. In particular, the major pathogenetic mechanisms of endotoxemia as one of the key links in multiple organ damage are represented in this research work.Among the basic mechanisms of the development of many serious pathological processes, which often differ in their primary essentiality, as well as among the main causes of fatal consequences, endogenous intoxication (endotoxicosis) is italicized.The phenomena of intoxication, usually is accompanied by the diseases and their complications, which are associated with the increased decay of tissue, enhanced processes of catabolism (dissimilation), failure of liver and kidneys, violation of microcirculation processes. Endogenous intoxication is defined as the majority of non-specific clinical and biochemical syndrome manifestations of incompatibility, between the formation and elimination of a product of normal metabolism, and substances of metabolic disorders.The concept of endogenous intoxication became widespread in recent years: the appearance of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome – SIRS, which can cause a variety of pathological processes such as infectious and non-infectious origin.Conclusion. Analysis of the literature on the syndrome of multiple organ damage indicates that endotoxicosis syndrome is always accompanied by the development of the pathological condition triggering a cascade of damage, especially in comorbidity.Currently, the strategy of intensive therapy of endotoxemia, due to polymorphism pathogenetic links of its formation is individual.Обзор литературы посвящен актуальным вопросам полиорганного повреждения. В частности, представленны основные патогенетические механизмы формирования эндотоксикоза как одного из центральних звеньев полиорганного повреждения.Огляд літератури присвячений актуальним питанням поліорганного ушкодження. Зокрема, представлені основні патогенетичні механізми формування ендотоксикозу як однієї із ключових ланок поліорганного ушкодження

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