Hypertension Frequency, Risk Factors and Therapeutic Dimensions in Primitive and Urban Areas


More than a quarter of all clinical direness/crises were hypertensive emergencies (76 percent urgencies, 24 percent crises). Hypertensive urgencies are frequently associated with migraine (22%), epistaxis (17%), faintness, and motor coordination discord (10%), while hypertensive crises are frequently associated with chest pain (27%), dyspnea (22%), and neurological deficit (22%). (21percent ). This study employed a cross-sectional design to look for differences in hypertension patients and related risk factors among Pakistan's rural and urban populations. Adult respondents experience 12 percent, 30 percent, 10%, and 9 percent of related illnesses, while female patients reported 20 percent, 22 percent, 9 percent, 17 percent, 31 percent, and 13 percent for DM, Cardiovascular Disease, Renal Disease, The certain Previous Surgical intervention, Hormonal changes, and hypertension in pregnancy, respectively. True hypotheses are related to research. All medical professionals, particularly doctors, should inform their patients about these risk factors and assist them in adopting lifestyle adjustments

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