Evaluation of usage areas of Lamium purpureum L. var. purpureum in urban landscape of Bartin vicinity (Turkey)


Urban parks, public buildings, school gardens, residences and open green spaces that we frequently encounter within urban landscape play an important role in the formation of urban identity. Urban identity created by utilizing environmental quality components provides users with a more habitable environment. Plant diversity in open green spaces affecting urban identity positively and providing users with a more habitable environment varies also in terms of identity and position of a city. This study conducted in Bartin in the Western Black Sea region consisted of three main phases intended for (i) examining Lamium purpureum L. var. purpureum in terms of users' choices, (ii) evaluation of plant compositions created within urban landscape, and (iii) results of soil analysis of selected areas. A questionnaire study was applied to 150 users about areas of usage of open green spaces and usage forms of Lamium purpureum L: var. purpureum found within the city, and appreciation of users was examined within this scope. In this regard, Lamium purpureum L. var. purpureum planting compositions within urban landscape were examined, they were taken into evaluation within 8 different groups (road sides, rock gardens, open green spaces, curves, refuges, emphasis points, retaining walls and slopped (sand dune) lands) according to their characteristics, and the results of soil samples taken from each group were included. Consequently, recommendations intended for contribution of Lamium purpureum L. var. purpureum plant to urban landscape and the usability in sustainable urban green spaces were developed

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