New Market Development and Activation of Urban Society through Direct Sales in the Restructuring Process of Wholesale Market Distribution (2)


In the context of the reorganization of wholesale market distribution, producers are exploring new means of satisfying consumer needs for face-to-face distribution and safer, higher-quality produce. Therefore, mass retailers who promote local production and local consumption make direct contracts with producers. Similarly, collecting and shipping organizations are open new sales channels. Among them, small producers sell directly with the advantage of pricing rights, saving intermediate costs, reducing working hours, and reducing overwork during the harvest adjustment processes. Agriculture thrives in urban areas due to several aspects and individuals flourish through deepening trust, communication, and exchange. The present study focuses on ensuring fairness of transactions, transparency of information, better local distribution, shipment small quantities of several items, and speed. Based on these realizations, seek profitability and production efficiency, expansion of physical trading space, realization of wide area. The study results guides policy to strengthen the network of producers, between producers and consumers, and between producers and mass retailers in the urban society and to improve the added value of local products and regional information.Off-site wholesale market distributionMass retailerIntermediate costHarvest adjustment processDirect sale

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