The ESDAP diploma in psychodermatology


PS26 Psychodermatological consultations are a reality in most European countries nowadays. It is therefore important for health providers to be properly trained to deal with dermatological patients who present with specific needs. Throughout Europe, psychotherapy is being regulated and protected by law and the idea is for this diploma in Psychodermatology to be adapted to current regulations. ESDaP will offer these training courses on an international basis. Each teaching module offered will be the same in different European countries, and offered in different languages by a team of experts coordinated by an ESDaP EC member. The training program will consist of 3 levels. The levels and topics covered are as follows: Level 1: psychodermatologist, skin–psychologist, skin–psychiatrist. Acquiring competences in: doctor–patient relationship and communication skills, alexithymia, anxiety, depression, self-inflicted skin lesions, body dysmorphic disorders, delusion of parasitosis and other delusions, quality of life, psychopharmacological treatment, and psychological interventions. Level 2: Psychotherapeutic level A. Counsellor: first level dermatologist/psychologist/ psychiatrist trained as counsellor in various approaches (Habit reversal, atopy school, etc.) B. Practitioner: the same candidates reaching the requirements for the European Certificate in Psychotherapy Additionally, ESDaP will acknowledge and certify a multidisciplinary consultation dermatologist– psychologist/psychiatrist when one of the consultants reaches Level 2

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