Obturations en amalgame et modifications des lymphocytes T


Dental amalgam and nickel alloys have been considered quite safe. Previous authors reported the effect of dental amalgam and nickel alloys on human T-lymphocytes modifications after amalgam dental fillings, into dose-dependence of any modifications and into possible temporary.Eight patients were subjected to dental care with amalgam dental fillings. Drawings of blood were executed at start, fifteen days after late fillings and two months later.The results about modifications of T-lymphocytes were not univocal. We believe, at now, that temporary modifications of the immunity seem to be related to a cytotoxic mechanism.Les auteurs ont étudié les modifications systémiques des lymphocytes T (T3) et des sous-populations T4 et T8 après la pose d’obturations en amalgame. Les résultats ne sont pas univoques et leur interprétation n’est pas facile.On pense que l’amalgame dentaire pourrait provoquer une modification transitoire et temporaire des défenses immunitaires par un mécanisme de cytotoxicité

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