Cuantificación del crecimiento de pliegues con sedimentos sintectónicos asociados: aplicación al anticlinal de Santarén (orógeno cubano, cuenca de antepaís de las Bahamas)


The Santaren anticline, located offshore, is the outermost structure of the Cuban fold and thrust belt. The detailed study of the geometry of the syntectonic sediments associated with this anticline has allowed us to document its kinematic evolution. A number of reverse modelling geometrical techniques have been used to quantify fold gr owth (crestal structural relief, shortening, limb dip, interlimb angle and axial plane dip) during different stages. The values obtained for each of these parameters have been plotted versus time in order to s h ow their evolution through time. The conclusions achieved from all these plots are consistent and enable us to understand how fold amplification took place. Thus, the data obtained indicate that fold gr owth initiated during Middle Eocene, or before, and it continued until present day. Fold amplification took place at extremately slow rates from Middle Miocene to present day, and perhaps faster during deposition of older growth strata. In particular, data concerning rotation of the southern limb and interlimb angle tightening support this hypothesis. The data presented in this paper regarding the Santaren anticline evolution disagree with previous plate tectonic models that postulate the end of tectonic activity in this region during Middle Eocene

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