الجانب اللغوي عند الإمام البيضاوي في سورة البقرة


In the name of Allah, The most Merciful the most Beneficent. All praise are for him who is worthy of real praise. Darood u salam is for Him who is the greatest obligor. There is deep relation between Arabic language and knowledge of interpretation. If we have not full knowledge of  language knowledge, we cannot make correct interpretation and translation of the Holy Quran. This is why scholars concluded that the grip oflanguage knowledge is essential for an interpreter. Interpretation of Imam Baizawi"Anwar ul Tanzeel and Arar ul Taweel" has high status in interpretations. This interpretation/Tafseer is not only famous for literature and preaching but also it covers a lot of other knowledge. This debate indicates only the language knowledge of word. Along with the interpretation of Baizawi, those I have also written those words which have been mentioned in the interpretations of other interpreters.  &nbsp

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