Analysis of "Snow queen" management system


Sportske manifestacije su usko povezane sa razvojem turizma određenog područja i uvjetuju njegov razvoj. Sportski turizam predstavlja balans između turizma, sportske rekreacije i sporta. U tom međuodnosu sudionici sporta imaju aktivnu ili pasivnu ulogu turista, te samim time i postaju turistički sudionici sporta, a sport jedan od selektivnih oblika turizma. Poznati sportski događaji plijene pažnju turista ne samo za vrijeme njegovog događanja, već i nekoliko dana prije i nakon njega. Na taj način imaju veliku ulogu u kreiranju imidža određene destinacije i stvaranje veće svijesti o istoj. Iako je Snježna kraljica u skijaškom svijetu novija sportska manifestacija, ona svojom bogatom ponudom, kvalitetnom organizacijom te popratnim sadržajima uspješno parira najvećim svjetskim skijaškim sportskim manifestacijama. Menadžment sportske manifestacije Snježne kraljice obuhvaća složene procese organizacije i implementacije ovog sportskog događanja, što uvelike utječe na razvoj sportskog turizma grada Zagreba. Sportska manifestacija Snježna kraljica je neosporan i važan čimbenik razvoja turizma Grada, a doprinosi i ukupnoj turističkoj ponudi Republike Hrvatske stvaranjem snažne konkurentne pozicije na turističkom tržištu.Sports events are closely linked to the development of tourism in a particular area and condition its development. Sports tourism represents a balance between tourism, sports recreation and sports. In this relationship, sports participants have an active or passive role of tourists, and thus become tourist participants in sports, and sport is one of the selective forms of tourism. Famous sporting events capture the attention of tourists not only during its event, but also a few days before and after it. In this way, they have a big role in creating the image of a certain destination and creating a greater awareness about it. Although the Snow Queen is a newer sporting event in the ski world, with its rich offer, quality organization and accompanying facilities, it successfully matches the world's largest ski sporting events. The management of the Snow Queen sports event includes complex processes of organization and implementation of this sporting event, which greatly affects the development of sports tourism in the city of Zagreb. The Snow Queen sports event is an indisputable and important factor in the development of the City's tourism, and it also contributes to the overall tourist offer of the Republic of Croatia by creating a strong competitive position on the tourist market

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