University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
U analizi podataka i njihovoj optimalnoj iskoristivosti u tvrtci Održavanje vagona d.o.o. (u vlasništvu Hrvatskih željeznica), potrebno je primjenjivati suvremene metode dubinskih analiza koje su sastavni dio poslovnog izvješćivanja. U radu je dat pregled primjena metoda poslovnog izvješćivanja u iskoristivosti informacija i podataka bitnih za daljnje analize. Prikupljeni su podaci o kvarovima na svim serijama klimatiziranih modernih putničkih vagona u razdoblju od 1.1.2005. godine do 1.1.2007. godine, te je napravljena njihova obrada i analiza raznim metodama. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata analize, definirani su najznačajniji uzročnici kvarova na klimatiziranim vagonima. Potom su uspoređivani rezultati pojedinih metoda i odabrana je optimalna metoda.In analysing data for Maintenance of Railway Carriages LLC which is owned by the Croatian Railways and with regard to their optimal utilization, it is necessary to apply modern methods of depth analyses which are component parts of the business intelligence. The paper provides an overview of the applied business intelligence methods with regard to the utilization of the information and data necessary for further analyses. Covering the period from 1 January 2005 to 1 January 2007, data on defects in all model ranges of the air-conditioned modern passenger carriages were collected, processed and analyzed by applying different methods. Based on the results of the analysis, the most important causes of defects in the air-conditioned carriages were identified. After that, the results of the individual methods were compared and the optimal method was chosen