A collection of papers, 1997-2001


This compilation of papers written by Clinton H. Whitehurst, Jr. includes: 1. Defining America\u27s military sealift capability: U.S. or foreign flag, 2001 2. Facing up to another cold war, 2000 June 3. Taiwan\u27s role in WWII forgotten, 2000 4. American military options in a Taiwan Strait conflict, 1999 5. Alliances, the balance of power, and American national interests, 1998 6. Last clear chance for an enduring maritime policy, 1998 7. The forgotten concepts of sovereignty, independence and nationhood as criteria for UN membership, 1998 July 8. Limited wars, civilian casualties, and who must decide, 1998 9. Criticizing India\u27s nuclear weapons program bears a high price,1998 May 20 10. China\u27s missile policy, 1998 11. Does South Carolina hold the high moral ground in lawsuits against tobacco companies?, 1998 October 12. Technology and the protection of intellectual property, 1997 13. National security--Words, weapons or both, 1997 Apri

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