ORA EST : functional analysis of jasmonate-responsive AP2/ERF-domain transcription factors in Arabidopsis thaliana


Plants defend themselves against stress, including pathogen or herbivore attack, via biosynthesis of defense proteins and of protective compounds called secondary metabolites. Stress induces these responses via a complex signal transduction network with jasmonic acid (JA) and related compounds as major players. In some defense responses JA acts synergistically with the stress hormone ethylene. It is largely unknown how JA induces expression of defense genes. It is also not well understood how the synergistic interaction between JA and ethylene is brought about. Previous research has identified several genes encoding AP2/ERF-domain transcription factors, called ORAs, whose expression is rapidly induced by JA in Arabidopsis. In this thesis, the function of several ORAs is addressed and shows that certain ORAs, by regulating the expression of defense-related genes, play major roles in JA signaling and defense.UBL - phd migration 201

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