The closure of ideals of ℓ 1 (Σ) in its enveloping C*-algebra


If X X is a compact Hausdorff space and σ σ is a homeomorphism of X X , then an involutive Banach algebra ℓ 1 (Σ) ℓ1(Σ) of crossed product type is naturally associated with the topological dynamical system Σ=(X,σ) Σ=(X,σ) . We initiate the study of the relation between two-sided ideals of ℓ 1 (Σ) ℓ1(Σ) and  C ∗ (Σ) C∗(Σ) , the enveloping C ∗  C∗ -algebra C(X)⋊ σ Z C(X)⋊σZ of ℓ 1 (Σ) ℓ1(Σ) .  Among others, we prove that the closure of a proper two-sided ideal of ℓ 1 (Σ) ℓ1(Σ) in  C ∗ (Σ) C∗(Σ) is again a proper two-sided ideal of C ∗ (Σ) C∗(Σ) .Analysis and Stochastic

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