LFSR-based bit-serial GF(^2m) multipliers using irreducible trinomials


In this article, a new architecture of bit-serial polynomial basis (PB) multipliers over the binary extension field GF(^2m) generated by irreducible trinomials is presented. Bit-serial GF(^2m) PB multiplication offers a performance/area trade-off that is very useful in resource constrained applications. The architecture here proposed is based on LFSR (Linear-Feedback Shift Register) and can perform a multiplication in m clock cycles with a constant propagation delay of T_A + T_X. These values match the best time results found in the literature for bit-serial PB multipliers with a slight reduction of the space complexity. Furthermore, the proposed architecture can perform the multiplication of two operands for t different finite fields GF(^2m) generated by t irreducible trinomials simultaneously in m clock cycles with the inclusion of t(m - 1) flipflops and tm XOR gates

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