Emergencia del paradigma de gobernabilidad en América Latina : aprendizajes de la transición y consolidación democrática para la gobernabilidad en Chile


This study searches for explanations for problems of quality and depth of democracies in Latin America in the configuration of a governance paradigm that has conditioned political models, institutional formulas, and a set of strategic public policies, that have been adopted by political leaders to resolve problems facing their governments. Given this paradigm, however, these leaders have not been capable of meeting the social and political demands of society.The study focuses on Chile which is considered to be the most successful country in Latin America in terms of governance. This dissertation explores the application of the governance paradigm in the Chilean case, and how this paradigm is applied to resolve three interrelated problems: (i) to assure the stability of the civilian democratic regime given the potential to return to authoritarianism, (ii) to confront the centrifugal tendencies of political actors, and (iii) to contain the overflowing of societal demands. The study concludes that the defining elements of the democratic transition in that country played a central role in featuring the process that created the incentives and restrictions on the governance model. The result has been a “transition via transaction” that has established the rules of the political and economic game.LEI Universiteit LeidenPolitical Culture and National Identit

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