The aberrant third stage of labour


The aim of this dissertation is outlined in the introduction, which includes a paragraph on physiology and pathophysiology of the third stage of labour. The next paragraph handles the management of the third stage of labour. Furthermore, the clinical problems __retained placenta__ and __puerperal uterine inversion__ are outlined. In the last paragraph, the terms __quality of life__ and __illness perceptions__ are clarified. Part 2 of this dissertation contains the Dutch contribution to explore a possible global rise in incidence of postpartum haemorrhage (chapter 1). The current knowledge and practice regarding active management of the third stage of labour in midwifery practices and obstetric departments in the Netherlands is presented (chapter 2). In part 3 of this dissertation, the problems associated with abnormal placentation are explored. Misoprostol turned out not to be beneficial over placebo in the management of retained placenta (chapter 3 and 4). In chapter 5, a cohort of fifteen women with puerperal inversion of the uterus is presented. Experiencing an event such as major obstetric haemorrhage does not seem to be associated with diminished quality of life. Clinical characteristics imply a big impact of the event on women and their partners.UBL - phd migration 201

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