The Paippalādasaṁhitā of the Atharvaveda Kāṇḍa 15 : a new edition with translation and commentary


The aim of the dissertation is to present a critical edition of kāṇḍa 15 of the Paippalādasaṁhitā of the Atharvaveda. The work is divided into two main parts: an Introduction and the critical edition itself. The Introduction deals first with topics related to the transmission of the text. After the description of the manuscripts collated for the edition and the study of their mutual relationships, I address the problem of orthography and spelling in the written sources. Arrangement and content of the hymns are then discussed. The explanation of the way the text is presented and the criteria according to which the critical apparatus has been prepared follow. Finally, the methodology and results of the metrical analysis are investigated. The critical edition follows the same pattern for each of the 23 hymns that constitute the kāṇḍa. Text, translation, a positive critical apparatus, parallel passages, and commentary then follow in that order, arranged stanza by stanza. The comment deals with philological, grammatical, metrical and lexical problems, as well as with the interpretation of the text. At the end of the volume, after a list of abbreviations and the Bibliography, an Index Verborum and an Index Locorum complete the dissertation.Theoretical and Experimental Linguistic

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