Naar een praktische adaptieve aanpak voor spreekvaardigheidsonderwijs in moderne vreemde talen


A teaching method will only be implemented in the classroom if it is not only of benefit to students but is also practicable for teachers. In this contribution we propose an adaptive teaching method for speaking skills in foreign languages. To make it practicable, we used the Bridging Model which assumes that regular teaching and the new method are shaped around the same lesson segments. By recombination of these segments teachers can adapt the new method to their teaching context. Based on questionnaires and visual representations of lessons, we examined how and with which considerations 13 teachers enacted the method in practice. Furthermore, the practicability was examined using impact analysis. Results show that the teachers succeeded in applying the method in practice and found the adaptive method to be significantly more desirable than their regular teaching. The flexibility of the method could be an ingredient for curriculum reforms in general.Theoretical and Experimental Linguistic

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