
Abstrak: Studi ini mengkaji nilai-nilai pendidikan dalam pernikahan adat Gayo. Dengan menerapkan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dimana data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, studi ini mengajukan temuan bahwa ada beberapa tahapan dalam proses pernikahan adat budaya Gayo, yakni muginte, segenap dan begenap, begur, mujule mas, mah bei  dan munenes. Studi ini menemukan bahwa terdapat nilai-nilai pendidikan dalam setiap tahapan dalam proses pernikahan tersebut. Secara umum, dalam proses pernikahan tersebut terkandung nilai keimanan, ibadah, akhlak dan sosial. Sampai saat ini, adat budaya Gayo, terutama tradisi pernikahan, dimana terdapat banyak nilai pendidikan di dalamnya, terus diwariskan oleh generasi tua ke generasi muda melalui keteladanan, pembinaan keagamaan, dan pembiasaan. Usaha penanaman nilai-nilai tersebut akhirnya mampu memunculkan masyarakat yang islami. Pewarisan budaya dalam masyarakat Gayo terus berlangsung sampai saat ini. Kata Kunci: nilai, pendidikan Islam, pernikahan, tradisi Gayo Abstract: This study examines the extent to which Islamic Educational Values plays in Gayo marriage tradition. By applying a qualitative research methodology where data is obtained through observation, interview and documentation, this study proposes findings that there are several stages in the process of  Gayo tradition cultural marriage, they are muginte, segenap and begenap begur, mujule mas, mah bei and munenes. This study finds out that there are Islamic educational values in each stage of the marriage. In general, the marriage process contains values of faith, worship, morals and social. Until now, Gayo cultural tradition, especially the tradition of marriage, where there are many Islamic educational values in it, it is continued to be passed on by the older generation to the younger generation through exemplary, religious guidance and habituation. The effort to cultivate these values has finally been able to create an Islamic society, the heritage of which continues to the present time in the Gayo community. Keywords: values, Islamic education, marriage, Gayo traditio

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