Orientation and morphology of Pt nanoparticles in γ-alumina processed via ion implantation and thermal annealing


Structure and chemistry of metal/metal-oxide interfaces are critical for many catalytic processes and sensing. Pristine interfaces of Pt and γ -Al2O3 were fabricated using high-energy ion implantation and thermal processing. Amorphous regions of alumina develop in single crystal α-alumina during Pt+ implantation and an 800 °C thermal treatment crystalizes amorphized alumina to γ -Al2O3 and allows Pt ions to precipitate within the developing γ -alumina, yielding Pt nanoparticle tetrahedra terminated by {111} surfaces. The phase of alumina that developed and the distribution, morphology, and orientation of Pt nanoparticles was determined using x-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy

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