Increasing Knowledge, Motivation and Self-Efficacy of NICU Nurses on Family Integrated Care


Problem. Can an education session on the family-integrated care model increase NICU nurses’ knowledge, motivation and self-efficacy to implement the role transitions needed to practice within a FIC model? Purpose. Measure if an educational training session would increase knowledge, motivation and self-efficacy of nurses to work in a FIC model of care NICU. Goal/Objectives. Following an online educational training, NICU staff will demonstrate, through self-report instrument, an increase in: Knowledge of benefits of FIC, knowledge of role transition required, motivation to adapt role change and belief in the ability to implement role change. Plan. Descriptive pre-test post-test design using a convenience sample technique with a multiple- choice self-report instrument tool. Results. The study identified the significance of an online educational program in increasing the knowledge, motivation and self-efficacy of NICU nurses about FIC. Recommendations. Ongoing periodical educational intervention can result in improved buy in on FIC hence efforts should be made to educate nurses on the benefits of FIC occasionally

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