Field Behavior Comparison of 8 Species of California Desert Ants


Replicate colonies were observed at three study sites in southern California. Hourly activity was monitored during winter and spring. The time outside the nest ranged from strictly diurnal in Pogonomyrmex californicus to bimodal to nocturnal in Pheidole barbata. Four aspects of surface activity, foraging, nest work, patrolling, and convening, also differed among species in hour and/or in relative proportion of such activity. Finally, interesting species differences were seen in climbing ability, running time between stops, and response to air blasts (Messor oergandei and Pheidole barbata were the least aggressive). Solenopsis maniosa was one of the three worst glass climbers, along with Pogonomyrmex californicus and Pogonomyrmex magnacanthus; Conomyrma bicolor and Myrmecocystus species were the best. In summary, this study suggests many variables for further analysis of diversity, such as activity each hour, climbing ability, and response to disturbance

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