Study of polymorphisms in candidate genes in the population of ADHD children


The research of tbc way of participatioo of each Iransmitte ystem in pathology of ADHD cao be of belp. in tbe future, in tbe seleetion of the approprisle drug ss substances witb different mechanisms of functioniog are used to Ireat UlC byperklnctic syndrome. For our resear h the genes of dopominergic (DR02, DRD3 a DATl ). noradrenergic (OBH) and serotoninergic (5-HTT) systems were selected. ln these geoes I1 polymorphisms were analysed by molecular-genetic metbods based on sssociation slrategy "case-conlrol". Tbe presence of risk allcles was compared betweeo tbe sarople of 100 ADHD childreo BOd a coolrol group of 100 subjects, in whom tbc ADHD symptoms were excluded by Coooers' test. Tbc results of our research suggest tbc an association of thc gcnes witb ADI·ID. Specifically, after multiple testlng correction, sex correction, and power analysis, it could be coocJuded: I) tbe risk of ADHD is sigolficantJy lncreased in tbc presence oť one risk allele in genes DRD2 (7,5-fold), 5-HTT (2,7-fold) and DATl (l ,6-fold) 2) tbe risk of ADHD is significaotJy increased at homozygotes for risk alleles in genes DRD2 (54-fold), 5-HTT (6,7-fold) BOd DATl (6,6-fold) For polymorphisms G444A and Cl603T in DBH, which were detected by univariant analysis, baplotype artaIysis was performed and resultedln conclusion..

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