Russia's Arctic strategy through 2035: grand plans and pragmatic constraints


Russia has adopted a development strategy for the Arctic for the period from October 2020 to 2035. Reflecting hopes and perceived threats associated with the successive warm­ing of the Arctic, it aims to advance development of the region's abundant re­sources, first and foremost oil and gas, and improve living conditions for the popu­lation. In the longer term, the Kremlin hopes to establish the Northern Sea Route as a new global shipping artery. Moscow also worries that an increasingly ice-free Arctic could create new territorial vulnerabilities in its Far North, and is responding by re­building its military presence there. Finally, Moscow also wants to preserve the region's ecological balance. The indications are, however, that the interests of the energy sec­tor and the military will be served, while funding to improve environmental protections and living conditions will remain inadequate. (author's abstract

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