
Special metric structures and closed forms


The primary aim of this thesis is to investigate metrics which are induced by a differential form and arise as a critical point of Hitchin's variational principle. Firstly, we investigate metrics associated with the structure group PSU(3) acting in its adjoint representation. We derive various obstructions to the existence of a topological reduction to PSU(3). For compact manifolds, we also find sufficient conditions if the PSU(3)-structure lifts to an SU(3)-structure. We give a Riemannian characterisation of topological PSU(3)-structures through an invariant spinor valued 1-form and show that the PSU(3)-structure is integrable if and only if the spinor valued 1-form defines a co-closed Rarita-Schwinger field. Moreover, we construct non-symmetric (compact) examples. Secondly, we consider even or odd forms which can be naturally interpreted as spinors for a spin structure on TTT\oplus T^*. As such, the forms we consider induce a reduction from Spin(7,7)Spin(7,7) to G2×G2G_2\times G_2. We give a topological classification of G2×G2G_2\times G_2-structures. We prove that the condition for being a critical point is equivalent to the supersymmetry equations on spinors in supergravity theory of type IIA/B with NS-NS background fields. Examples are systematically constructed by the device of T-duality.Comment: examined DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, 2004 v2: Proposition 3.5 and Theorem 3.6 fixe

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