
Anti-selfdual Lagrangians: Variational resolutions of non self-adjoint equations and dissipative evolutions


We develop the concept and the calculus of anti-self dual (ASD) Lagrangians which seems inherent to many questions in mathematical physics, geometry, and differential equations. They are natural extensions of gradients of convex functions --hence of self-adjoint positive operators-- which usually drive dissipative systems, but also rich enough to provide representations for the superposition of such gradients with skew-symmetric operators which normally generate unitary flows. They yield variational formulations and resolutions for large classes of non-potential boundary value problems and initial-value parabolic equations. Solutions are minima of functionals of the form I(u)=L(u,Ξ›u)I(u)=L(u, \Lambda u) (resp. I(u)=∫0TL(t,u(t),uΛ™(t)+Ξ›tu(t))dtI(u)=\int_{0}^{T}L(t, u(t), \dot u (t)+\Lambda_{t}u(t))dt) where LL is an anti-self dual Lagrangian and where Ξ›t\Lambda_{t} are essentially skew-adjoint operators. However, and just like the self (and antiself) dual equations of quantum field theory (e.g. Yang-Mills) the equations associated to such minima are not derived from the fact they are critical points of the functional II, but because they are also zeroes of the Lagrangian LL itself.Comment: 50 pages. For the most updated version of this paper, please visit

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