The Influence of Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League (CAMCCUL)’S Activities on Innovation and Learning in Affiliated Credit Unions


Organisations are more conscious about future performance than past performance nowadays. It is on this note that this paper seeks to determine the influence of Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League (CamCCUL)’s activities on innovation and learning in affiliated Credit Unions. The study adopted a causal research design. The study relied on the Balanced Scorecard Framework of Norton and Kaplan (1996) on which performance measurement is tilted away from solely financial perspective to include others with one being innovation and learning. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Technique, particularly the multiple regression given that it assumes linearity. The data was processed using STATA version 14 and tested for significance using t-statistics at 10, five and one levels of significance. Stationarity was tested using unit root test and further regression analysis revealed that adjusted correlation coefficient is represented by Adjusted R-square which is 0.9589 (95.89 percent). This value implies that the combined efforts of training/education, auditing, publicity/promotion, supervision and loans had a 95.89 percent effect on the number of employees trained in affiliated Credit Unions in Cameroon. Post-test like Durbin Watson was equally conducted and the results were reliable. The researchers recommended that comprehensive performance reports be made compulsory to present a comprehensive view of the Credit Unions’ performance. Keywords: CamCCUL, innovation/learning and affiliated Credit Unions. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-4-02 Publication date: February 28th 202

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