In the present opinion, a go through current scientific literature have demonstrated that there are nine possible immune enhancement mechanisms [IE].IE following viral vaccine priming and exposure to live west nile, human immune-deficiency , dengue and corona virus challenges were documented. Five of which were antibody dependent[ADE ]and the other four were T cell dependent .A virus vaccine may expresses more than one of the five ADE mechanisms .Sars and Mers were mediating ADE. Sars cov-2 virus induce, TH17-Treg eosinophilic IE and in an ex-vivo cell culture study has shown to induce ADE mechanism both in covid -19 patients.Sars-cov-2 DNA vaccines have shown no IE in non-human primate experiments but covid-19 vaccines are expectable to induce ADE in human vaccinee, though this wait to be elucidated. Keywords: Antibody ,corona ,enhancement ,immune ,vaccine, virus. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/86-05 Publication date: February 28th 202