Paradoxien der Intervention: Das Humboldt Lab Dahlem


The Humboldt Lab Dahlem is a series of temporary exhibitions and interventions that are meant to support the exhibition planning for the future Humboldt-Forum in Berlin’s re-erected City Palace. Taking place in the permanent exhibitions of Berlin’s Ethnological Museums and the Museum of Asian Art whose exhibitions will eventually move into the Palace, the Lab has the potential to playfully interrogate passed-on practices of museum representation of ‘non-European’ arts and cultures. By means of analyzing one of the first Humboldt Lab exhibition projects, this article asks about the potentials of the Lab to intervene in established modes of exhibiting and (ethnographic) knowledge production. It will show that being a part of the future Humboldt-Forum institution, the Humboldt Lab is a space of possibility as it demarcates, at the same time, this possibility’s very limits

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