Counterexamples to the maximum force conjecture


Dimensional analysis shows that the speed of light and Newton's constant of gravitation can be combined to define a quantity F=c4GNF_* = {c^4\over G_N} with the dimensions of force (equivalently, tension). Then in any physical situation we must have Fphysical=f  FF_{physical} = f \; F_*, where the quantity ff is some dimensionless function of dimensionless parameters. In many physical situations explicit calculation yields f=O(1)f= O(1), and quite often f14f \leq {1\over4}. This has lead multiple authors to suggest a (weak or strong) maximum force/maximum tension conjecture. Working within the framework of standard general relativity, we will instead focus on counter-examples to this conjecture, paying particular attention to the extent to which the counter-examples are physically reasonable. The various counter-examples we shall explore strongly suggest that one should not put too much credence into any universal maximum force/maximum tension conjecture. Specifically, fluid spheres on the verge of gravitational collapse will generically violate the weak (and strong) maximum force conjectures. If one wishes to retain any general notion of "maximum force" then one will have to very carefully specify precisely which forces are to be allowed within the domain of discourse.Comment: V1: 29 pages; 6 figures; V2: minor typos fixe

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