We characterize Schatten p-class Hankel operators Hfβ on the
Segal-Bargmann space when 0<p<β in terms of our recently introduced
notion of integral distance to analytic functions in Cn. Our work
completes the study inspired by a theorem of Berger and Coburn on compactness
of Hankel operators and subsequently initiated twenty years ago by Xia and
Zheng, who obtained a characterization of the simultaneous membership of Hfβ
and Hfββ in Schatten classes Spβ when 1β€p<β in terms
of the standard deviation of f. As an application, we give a positive answer
to their question of whether HfββSpβ implies HfβββSpβ
when fβLβ and 1<p<β, which was previously solved for p=2
and n=1 by Xia and Zheng and for p=2 in any dimension by Bauer in 2004. In
addition, we prove our results in the context of weighted Segal-Bargmann
spaces, which include the standard and Fock-Sobolev weights