With recent advances in deep learning algorithms, computer-assisted
healthcare services have rapidly grown, especially for those that combine with
mobile devices. Such a combination enables wearable and portable services for
continuous measurements and facilitates real-time disease alarm based on
physiological signals, e.g., cardiac arrhythmias (CAs) from electrocardiography
(ECG). However, long-term and continuous monitoring confronts challenges
arising from limitations of batteries, and the transmission bandwidth of
devices. Therefore, identifying an effective way to improve ECG data
transmission and storage efficiency has become an emerging topic. In this
study, we proposed a deep-learning-based ECG signal super-resolution framework
(termed ESRNet) to recover compressed ECG signals by considering the joint
effect of signal reconstruction and CA classification accuracies. In our
experiments, we downsampled the ECG signals from the CPSC 2018 dataset and
subsequently evaluated the super-resolution performance by both reconstruction
errors and classification accuracies. Experimental results showed that the
proposed ESRNet framework can well reconstruct ECG signals from the 10-times
compressed ones. Moreover, approximately half of the CA recognition accuracies
were maintained within the ECG signals recovered by the ESRNet. The promising
results confirm that the proposed ESRNet framework can be suitably used as a
front-end process to reconstruct compressed ECG signals in real-world CA
recognition scenarios