Static MR urography in obstructive uropathy and congenital anomalies in adults and paediatric age


Background: Magnetic Resonance Urography (MRU) provides anatomical imaging of the renal system and urinary tract and is useful in both adults and paediatric patients. Functional MR urography enables differential renal function to be determined and allows the measurement of renal excretion into the collecting systems. The utility of MRU in adult patients who had obstructive uropathy was evaluated in this study to determine the extent and cause of obstruction. Paediatric patients were assessed for anatomical imaging and obstruction thresholds for possible congenital abnormalities.Method: This was a prospective, observational study conducted at a tertiary centre for over a period of 2 years. Total of 62 cases, both adult and paediatric patients were examined under Siemens Avanto Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1.5 Tesla). Data was collected on a pretested proforma, entered in excel sheet and quantitative data was summarised with MEAN and SD.Results: Age: Mean age of the subjects was 39.17. The majority were males at 59.67% (37) and females constituted 40.33% (25). The mean duration of symptoms was 16.52 days. Flank pain was most common presenting complaint in 53.23%. 32.26% of the lesions were observed in kidney, 12.90% in renal pelvis, 6.45% each in upper and mid ureter, 16.13% in distal ureter, 19.35% at PUJ, 4.84% in urinary bladder, 9.68% in urethra. 5 patients had bilateral lesions, 38 had right sided involvement and 13 had left sided involvement. Significant number of paediatric patients had congenital lesions and lesser number of acquired lesions when compared to adults with a P value of 0.000249.Conclusion: Static MR-Urography was useful in detecting the exact aetiology of obstructing lesions presenting in varied aged groups including congenital and acquired lesions. Most common reasons for obstructive uropathy was noted to be lesions in kidney followed by those in pelvis and the ureters. Significant number of paediatric patients presented with congenital lesions compared to the adults who had higher number of acquired lesions. We suggest static MR-Urography is one of the ideal diagnostic tests in diagnosis of cases with obstructive uropathy

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