Pendekatan Multidisipliner dalam Pengembangan Hukum Islam (Menurut Pandangan : Jasser Auda)


Maqasid al-shariah is not new, but the study of Maqasid al-shariah is very much needed in Islamic law. This is because Islamic law, whose main source is the Koran and hadith, is given to Muslims or all beings on earth. Allah always gives development to all his creatures, both his behavior and the way he takes Islamic law as his support. Jassser Auda offers methods in a systems approach as an effort to form a new frame of mind in understanding Islamic law in the current era. It is hoped that religious approaches and interpretations can produce legal products that are in accordance with the stated intentions of Islam. This paper will briefly describe what Maqasid al-Syari'ah is and how the concept of a systems approach proposed by Jasser Auda. This type of research used in this research is a library (Library Research). This research is aimed at collecting data and information with the help of various materials in the library room, such as books, magazines, document notes and other historical stories. Maqashid is a theory of fiqh which is holistic, not limited to text or partial laws. However, this lies in more universal principles and goals. This mode uses a high-value understanding of Machasid and can overcome many differences, such as Sunni and Shia and Muslim politics. Makasid is a mode that is needed by society to make peace or live side by side in peace

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